English Bachelor's Program Committee 2/21

In this meeting, we discuss several things:

  1. Student selection 2021:
    We discussed how the student selection process works for the English Bachelor’s degrees and how the scholarships are allocated. The point was raised that Finnish students who apply for the English programs tend to wait for better offers from other universities (or other programs in Aalto) and eventually not accept our program’s offer. Due to the delay of them rejecting the offers, most of the students on our waiting lists have accepted other offers before the Aalto English bachelor’s program offers are made to them. This results in nearly all students on our waiting lists getting an offer to study in our English programmes. Therefore, we often end up admitting students from the bottom of the waiting lists.
    The current way we allocate scholarships in the English Programs is not working out. In the future, we will require students to prioritize the programs in order, of which they would most like the scholarship for.
    In was noted that we did not get as much students as targeted in both admission group I and II. Nevertheless, the number of applicants in admission group II increases steadily each year.

  2. Admission criteria for 2022 admissions
    It was proposed that the ACT test could be used as an alternative to the SAT test. Since the SAT subject tests are no longer offered, it was proposed that we should have a threshold on the math section of the SAT test. We will discuss this matter in more detail in the next meeting.

  3. Well-being of students during remote study
    The strong need of students to have more opportunities of studying together with other students was highlighted. Furthermore, a need for more assistance in the understanding the course materials was brought out. We discussed ideas of how a sense of community could be built on courses and how lectures could help students form study groups. The schools are happy to support this effort financially if the students have some ideas on how peer support could be increased.

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