On Tuesday 12th of March, the second meeting of the Master’s Programme Committee for Engineering Physics was called to order. The meeting started as usual with the acceptance of Master’s Theses topics and grades for completes theses.
The main subject for this meeting was to accept the proposed Master’s programme curriculum for 2024-2026 for the majors and minors of the programme. Changes with respect to the 2022-2024 curriculum are mostly related to the names and course informations, which are being updated to the current state of the courses.
However, some courses are going to be changed from a standalone course into being included on some new courses, such as the courses on Density Functional Theory, which will be removed from the selection and included as a topic in the upcoming follow-up course for the Computational Physics named Advanced Computational Methods in Physics. Another key difference in the courses of the 2024-2026 curriculum is the changes into those that have been under the same umbrella course named Low Temperature Physics. These will all receive their own respective courses.
The minors will also have some changes mainly due to the same naming changes, but the biggest difference is for the Aalto Nuclear Safety minor, which will be implemented in a way that the minor is possible to be completed completely in English as the course Johdatus ydinenergiatekniikkaan was a mandatory course in the 2022-2024 minor.
At the end of the meeting, two things were still brought up. First the course feedback for the fall semester of 2023 was shown, which was mostly excellent and secondly, the transition timetable for the Master’s thesis applications through Salesforce, which will be used starting from Autumn 2024.
The next meeting will be on Tuesday 21.5.2024.