Question for International Captain applicants

Over the years, the role of the International Captain has been poorly defined and unclear at times, especially at fuksi events. This has led to the role being a bit of a jigsaw puzzle entailing being a bit of a captain, a BIG coordinator and an external relations responsible.

The following year will be fundamentally different for the International Captain, in that External Relations Coordinator (ulkosuhdevastaava) will be in charge of the guild’s foreign relations and will function largely independent of the International Captain, similar to how the Excursion masters function largely independent from the Master of Corporate Relations. This change is meant to decrease the workload of the International Captain, allowing them to dedicate more time and play a more significant role in the guild’s fuksi upbringing. My question is hence two-fold:

Firstly, and perhaps more importantly, how do you see this shift affecting your role as International Captain in the context of fuksi upbringing and working together with the fuksi captains and BIG coordinator? For example, what concrete steps would you take to more actively involve yourself in fuksi events and fuksi committees?

Secondly, What role do you see yourself playing in the context of the guild’s external relations, especially given the number of external relations events the guild has seen this year and likely more next year too. The goal is to have less of a significantly less active role than what I have had this year, reason being the External Relations Coordinator will have more autonomy, and that the external relations committee will be well-established. However, I am still interested in what kind of a working relationship you will seek to have with the External Relations Coordinator and how active of a role you wish to play in the guild’s external relations.

It has been pleasure to read all your amazing texts and I am happy to see such a diverse and skilled set of candidates for many roles in the board. Wishing you all the very best for the election season. Remember to also relax and take care of your well-being, as from personal experience, I know how stressful and challenging the election season is.

See you around,

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