You may find below the greetings from the SCI Academic Committee meeting that was held for the 4th for this year on the 11th of September.
Decision items
Election of the Vice Chair: Petri Vuorimaa was appointed as the vice chair of the Committee to replace Pekka Orponen in the time period 11.9.2023 - 31.7.2024
Supplementation of Degree Programme Committees for 2023-2025: Professor Mikko Alava will replace Patrick Rinke as the vice chair of Master’s Programme Committee for Engineering Physics. Also professor Pertti Hakonen will replace Christian Flindt for the period 1.3.2024 - 28.2.2025 as a deputy member. In addition a couple changes to the composition of the Master’s Programme Committee for IEM.
Approval of the admission criteria 2024 at School of Science: 2 bigger changes: (i) Security and Cloud Computing will no longer be a separate study option (ii) for applicants having a Bachelor’s degree from a higher education institution abroad, Graduate Records Examination (GRE) test result is required when applying to the Machine Learning, Data Science, and Artificial Intelligence study option. Acceptable tests are the GRE General Test and GRE Revised General Test. For other programmes some smaller changes, such as refining the choice of words and small adjustments to the criteria.
Changes to the curriculum 2022-2024: (i) Exam added to the completion methods of CS-C3150 Software Engineering (ii) Exam removed from the completion methods of NBE-E4010 Medical Image Analysis D.
The changes were approved as proposed.
Discussion items
Once again, the language guidelines were discussed. The latest draft of the language guidelines has already been discussed at and At this meeting, the discussion was content-wise more or less the same, and virtually nothing worth mentioning was brought to the table. So, if you are interested in this topic, please consult the sources mentioned above.
It was announced that the guidance for the use of artificial intelligence in teaching and learning at Aalto is available at:
Other items
For other items we first glanced through the lowest scores in DIA-selection and observed that the School of Science is doing good in terms of getting good applicants. Next, we considered the SCI Master’s admission statistics 2023; Mathematics and Operations Research received 85 and Engineering Physics 70 eligible applications. Eventually 20 and 25 applicants, respectively, were selected, and out of those 12 and 8 applicants chose to accept their study place.
We also briefly discussed the Aalto BSc Programme in Science and Technology (English) selection statistics 2023. It was stated that globally only Harvard is getting better Data Science applicants than Aalto in terms of the admission metric. Lastly, the president’s decision on study options and intakes 2024 was considered. For Engineering Physics and Mathematics (DIA-Selection), the intake will be increased from 80 to 90.
The next meeting for this Committee is on the 30th of October. Thank you for your time reading this summary!
Br, Tommi